Our largest organ, our skin performs many functions. Our skin does many things including but not limited to: providing protection against bacteria to keep our bodies safe from infection, protecting us from the harmful effects of UR rays, regulating body temperature, and synthesizing nutrients such as vitamin D. As amazing as our skin is, it varies in thickness across our body requiring different levels of care for the single organ. For example, the skin on our legs and arms are thicker than the skin on our face, around our eyelids and neck. The attention and care we give to our arms and legs will be different than our face. Nonetheless, regardless of the external care, internally we require the same key nutrients that the skins need to maintain its integrity throughout.
Keeping our skin healthy and protecting it from damage is essential for good health. Not only does it provide protection but maintaining healthy skin may result in a glowing and radiant complexion allowing us to look more youthful. So how do we do that?
Here are 3 nutrition tips to protect and repair your skin barrier:
Beta carotene
Functioning as an antioxidant, beta carotene neutralizes harmful molecules called free radicals which in high numbers causes an imbalancement resulting in oxidative stress (in cellular and tissue damage). Oxidative stress plays a key role in chronic illness and damages the skin. By eating foods rich in beta carotene, we allow our bodies to protect our cells from oxidative stress which protects us against illness and aids in maintaining a healthy skin barrier. Foods high in beta carotene include yellow, orange, and green fruits and vegetables
Collagen is a key structural protein found in our body responsible for many things. You can find collagen (to name a few) in our skin, hair, nails, tendons and bones. Our bodies naturally produce collagen through amino acids found in protein. However, factors such as excessive UV rays,
smoking, alcohol consumption all decrease collagen production. Studies have shown that taking hydrolyzed collagen supplements–along with a healthy lifestyle–may improve skin health. Moreover, oral supplementation of collagen has been proven to be far more effective than topical application through creams and other forms.
As one of the most studied nutrients, Omega-3 provides our bodies many benefits–the skin being one of them. Omega-3 supplements with DHA and EPA may reduce sensitivity to harmful UV rays. Moreover, studies suggest that Omega-3 helps with acne while increasing skin moisture.
Through diet and quality supplements, these key nutrients can help maintain skin health!
* the above content is for educational purposes. Please consult your healthcare professional to determine your health needs.